Hey Everyone!
Things have been going well on this end to say the least! I have so much to update you on from the last couple months. There have been so many exciting things going on down here with ministry and also in my personal life. Since the title of this post already says it, I will start with the personal news!
For the last 10 months, I have been in a relationship with a wonderful godly man. I cannot even tell you how much he has been a blessing and encouragement in my life. I had waited for so many years and just never felt at peace going into a relationship with anyone until I met Jorge. His passion, commitment to God, and the way he interacted with people attracted me to him. I am so grateful to God how he brought Jorge into my life and how he brought me to someone with whom I feel so natural and at ease with. I am truly blessed.
Jorge proposed to me on February 15th and of course I accepted! I don't have a doubt that he is the one God has for me. We are excited to start our life together soon and plan to get married the end of June!
Ministry has been going well even through the unforseen twists and turns. This last month, I had the privelage of translating for a small team for a week in the small town of Cot, Cartago, Costa Rica. It was a mother and daughter who came to do activities and outreaches with the ladies of the community. We did crafts, devotionals, messages, and went to different houses in the community to pray over the families. It was so amazing to see God moving both through the Christians serving the community as well as the activities we offered. We also had the chance to go to a local high school to do some sharing.
One of our house prayer visits....this house had A LOT of people! |
In my last post, I talked about how God was opening doors to disciple 4 ladies.....well, with all the twists and turns, the pastor hasn't gotten back to me about that. On the bright side; God seems to be opening doors to work with a Christian camp here as the chaplain's assistant. This would include working on devotionals, translating, encouraging camp staff and volunteers, and doing Bible lessons at the children's home also on site. I am excited for this opportunity and am hoping to start there soon. Meanwhile, I have been doing a lot of translating and doing some wedding planning! I am also translating at least a week out of every month for mission's teams. Please pray for me as I plan my wedding and as I possibly start at this new ministry. Pray that I would trust God in these next steps. It's hard when your in a place where plans seem to fall through frequently. My heart is to serve, encourage, and to answer questions people have about God. I hope to be up and running soon in ministry. For the meantime, I trust that God will use me in my daily interactions and that he is using me in informal ways with the people in my daily life.
Craft time with the ladies! |
I feel so blessed that God has allowed me to serve Him here. Thanks to all of you who have lifted me in prayer and have supported me for so long even through the ups and downs and all the transition. You all are a blessing to me and I pray that God will bless all of you and your families.