Me and my parents, Anita, and Steph visiting a friend. |
As usual another month has almost finished up with hardly a blink. My parents came to visit in May and I had the privelage to get some R&R with them going to the beach and the volcano and just admiring the beauty of Costa Rica. It was also so neat to just be able to show my parents my work here, my dream, and my heart. It's one thing explaining your passion to people but for them to come and be here and have it explained while standing in the soup kitchen is so different. It was nice to give them a glimpse into my life.
The day after they left, I went to go help as a translator for a medical team. We travelled around to some more remote places in Costa Rica for a week. It is such a blessing for me to translate once in a while for people coming from all different places. It's amazing the people God brings into my path and I see His hand in everything.
Evangelists Eric and Esmirna |
Esteban, the boy I witnessed being healed. |
While we were in a small town, me and Anita had the privelage to meet a couple from Panama who are evangelists with the gift of healing. I had never met a person with the gift of healing before so I wasn't sure what to think at first, but through talking with him and his wife, talking about their testimonies, I knew that they were truthful. I could very much sense the Holy Spirit in them and enjoyed a few conversations with them. It just so happened that on my 26th birthday, I was there in that small town, and after working with the medical team all day, this evangelist preached in this small modest country church. The most amazing thing is that it is on this day, that I witnessed my very first miracle. I witnessed a boy with one leg longer than the other grow to be the same length slowly as he was being prayed over. It was amazing and undeniable! I know that my God is indeed a powerful God but had never been able to say that I had witnessed a miracle.....now I can!!! It was a wonderful birthday gift!
After getting back to San Jose, me and Anita had another chance to meet with them and we were just so encouraged by them. We connected so much with them, that they really want us to go to Panama and visit them and their church. We are planning to visit them when I need to renew my Visa in 6 months. I think that this is very much an open door and a God thing.
Our first handmade visual!!! The story of Jonah!! |
Since that trip, me and Anita have started working on a children's program and preparing to move to the community where we work. We are working on different info to create a website in the future. We are making alot of visuals to help us to teach kids bible stories etc. Being low on funds, we are creating our own and are realizing how much can be done with so little, and just how much fun it can be! So right now, we are spending a lot of time preparing to do more ministry in Los Guizaros. We have been in a few meetings with Cecilia, the lady who started the soup kitchen, sharing our heart and vision. Things have proven to be a bit tough in this area as we would like to start a ministry apart from the soup kitchen that works hand in hand. We are praying that Cecilia's heart will truly be open to the idea of having two separate ministries working together to better the community and bring people to Christ. Please pray for this, we know that God is calling us to this, but we want to do this with understanding and harmony with the soup kitchen. We know that God is in charge and we continue seeking him in this process and seeing the doors that He opens. Please pray against any division that could come out of this.
Me and Anita teaching the youth at Guizaros |
The kids at Guizaros praying for me.
So as you can see, God has been doing some pretty amazing things here in the last months. I find many times that so much has happened that I can't fit it all in one blog. I cannot even begin to express the ways God has been working in me and also in Anita. God has been really been confirming and reconfirming things with us and we continually feel his nudge simply saying that its time to step out in faith. Pray for us in this process and pray for the help we need to get this going. Thank you for all your prayers and support, I feel very blessed.